Bauter Dentistry & Aesthetics in Boise, ID


added on: May 5, 2023
Bauter Dentistry & Aesthetics in Boise, ID

Perhaps the only bad thing about springtime is the allergies that often tend to go with it. Despite all the beauty that spring has to offer, it can also cause the body to respond to new allergens in the environment. This can cause us to feel itchy, stuffed up, and sneezy. But there’s an unknown… Read More

added on: April 21, 2023
Bauter Dentistry & Aesthetics in Boise, ID

You may have heard your dentist in Boise talk to you about your bite. But what exactly are they talking about? What’s the difference between a good bite and a bad bite? Why does your bite even matter? Let’s take a look.  All About Your Bite  When your dentist in Boise talks to you about your bite,… Read More

added on: April 4, 2023
Bauter Dentistry & Aesthetics in Boise, ID

April is National Stress Awareness Month, and its mission is to raise awareness of the negative health impacts of prolonged stress. While many of the effects of long-term stress are well known, including heart disease, gastrointestinal problems, obesity, and difficulty in managing diabetes, your dentist in Boise wants to raise awareness of the fact that stress… Read More

added on: March 20, 2023
World Oral Health Day – Be Proud Of Your Mouth

World Oral Health Day is celebrated annually worldwide on March 20th. It’s coordinated by the FDI World Dental Federation, which is an organization that represents over a million dentists all around the globe. The main purpose of this event is to promote awareness about just how important oral health is to overall health, and your… Read More

added on: March 2, 2023
Bauter Dentistry & Aesthetics in Boise, ID

According to the CDC, nearly 50% of adults over the age of 30 have some form of gum disease, and your dentist in Boise wants you to know that this is nothing to take lightly. Gum disease is a serious condition that has been connected to an increased risk of developing both oral and overall… Read More

added on: February 21, 2023
Bauter Dentistry & Aesthetics in Boise, ID

Dental checkups every six months are a necessary part of keeping your mouth and teeth healthy, so you want to make sure to find the right dentist. But with so many options to choose from, how do you find the best dentist in Boise for you? Well, it depends on what you’re looking for, and… Read More

added on: February 7, 2023
Bauter Dentistry & Aesthetics in Boise, ID

Children’s Dental Health Month has been a staple in dental and other healthcare providers’ offices since the American Dental Association (ADA) sponsored and nationalized the event back in 1949. This now month-long celebration in February strives to bring awareness to the importance of early and regular dental care for kids. After all, the earlier dental… Read More

added on: January 27, 2023
Bauter Dentistry & Aesthetics in Boise, ID

Even though teeth are super strong, they are still susceptible to damage. Tooth decay is one of the most common ailments in adults and children. So much so that the CDC estimates that about 90% of U.S. adults over 20 have had a cavity in their lifetime. While many people first discover that they have… Read More

added on: December 24, 2022
Bauter Dentistry & Aesthetics in Boise, ID

Maintaining regular visits to your dentist in Boise is a crucial part of having a healthy mouth and bright white teeth. In fact, the American Dental Association recommends seeing your dentist every six months. However, we understand that some patients may be worried or anxious about their visits, especially if they don’t know what to expect…. Read More

added on: December 10, 2022
Bauter Dentistry & Aesthetics in Boise, ID

There’s something desirable about having a bright, white smile. After all, your smile is one of the first things people notice about you. But everyday things such as a glass or two of holiday red wine or an everyday cup of coffee can cause tooth staining. However, your dentist in Boise knows there are things you… Read More

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